
Showing posts from June, 2016


Final views pre operative views Often teeth need to be fixed simply for aesthetic reasons. You want to look better than you do. Since the face and more importantly your SMILE is the gateway to how people perceive you, you definitely want a million dollar smile. For this particular patient, the gap in between the upper front teeth was reason enough to seek a solution. Ortho - wire / braces correction was considered, but as an adult between jobs, time was a factor to be weighed as important to warrant a quicker solution.  To ensure we would not err by doing something too drastic, a mock or temporary veneer was fit on to the front teeth for a few days. The patient was able to get feedback from friends and family and also decide if this was the correct 'look' desired. Then and ONLY then did we touch the teeth to get the gap closed, smile beautified and confidence raised sky high!

EMax Onlay

Usually after root canal treatment, we recommend that you have a crown fitted on the tooth in order to protect it from breaking / fracturing under biting load. Most options range from the simple all metal to the metal-ceramic to all ceramic caps. In the recent past there has been a gradual shift in patient preference towards all ceramic crowns. Often sold as "tough" and "unbreakable" ZIRCONIA, we are of the opinion that these crowns need to be fitted on a case to case basis. Instead what we offer and recommend routinely in our practice are (feldspathic glass) occlusal veneers or ONLAYS a.k.a EMax Lithium Disilicate. They look beautiful and allow for less natural tooth structure destruction. We end up preserving a lot more tooth than what we would if we cut / prep for a full crown. After the Root Canal Core fillings with fluorocore eMax 

Dental Implant

A missing molar generally means loss of chewing efficiency and increased chances of the bite getting affected. A simple solution earlier was to get a partial denture or "flipper" made. This gave way to a "fixed bridge" or a 3-unit FPD a.k.a fixed partial. This though a viable treatment usually calls for cutting adjacent healthy teeth. And a higher probability they will turn sensitive or decay over time. The simplest treatment today is to replace that with a single endosseous titanium fixture and a PFM "ceramic" crown over it.