
Showing posts from August, 2016

Repairing fractured broken teeth

Often it is not too easy to repair fractured or broken teeth. In this case the trauma had resulted in the nerve of the tooth getting exposed completely. Root canal was performed and tooth restored back to function. 

Tooth in an Hour

We had a young patient report to the clinic with an emergency! She had fallen off her vehicle and broken her front tooth. She was lucky to have found and kept the broken fragment. We completed her root canal and after cleaning the broken piece - simply fixed it back on to her original remaining bit. The procedure was completed in a single visit!  It would seem that the possibilities with modern dentistry are endless!

Class V lesions

Have you ever noticed wear facets on your teeth? Do you suffer from tooth sensitivity to cold or sweet? These could be due to acidity or toothbrush trauma. The chemical present in stomach juices can literally melt away your tooth surface due to uncontrolled reflux. For most people it is the faulty brushing technique and using hard bristled brushes that creates a problem. The physical repeated wear causes wedge shaped defects on the outer surface of teeth. A by product is the recession of the gums as they settle away from area of trauma. You would also loose bone support to some extent. Below are images of many such cavities and the repair that can be done with aesthetic tooth colored filling material to repair these defects.  

Smile Design

Often we get patients who would want some amount of correction done to their smiles. Who doesn't want a perfect set to show off to the world? There can be numerous options to correct the existing situation which range from simple non-invasive composite direct build-ups to ceramic based materials. The best option is selected in consultation with the patient to suit their budget and end result desire. This case was an in-chair one appointment correction with composite filling material. 

Aesthetic Dentistry

Sometimes even a small little addition to the front teeth can make a huge difference. Here, a young lady presented with minor chipping of the mesial and distal angles of the central incisor. All we had to do was to shape it to match the adjacent tooth. There was also minor ditching of the facial aspect with roughening and yellowish discoloration. This too was filled in to enable a smoother surface.