
Showing posts from 2017

Anterior Aesthetics in a Young Female

Patient is a very young, pretty and bubly 20yr old. She had lost a upper front tooth many years ago. The gap had filled up and patient had required Ortho to correct her bite and smile. Due to many reasons the gap was not planned well in advance and left remaining once treatment was complete. An Implant was not possible to replace the missing tooth since the space was very small in dimension and the root would interefere with a straight implant. Fially, a bridge was planned and the preparation/cutting kept to a minimum to keep teeth alive without disturbing the nerve. So yes, a root canal was avoided and good aesthetic result achieved with eMax or Lithium Disilicate

Anterior Esthetics in an Older Male

Like the previous case, this case too required a full coverage crown (to replace an older one) and a veneer (We love to be conservative! "less is more"!) for the management of the upper front teeth. The treatment plan involved a temporary and patient approval along with testing if there would be any challenges to the final design. Final were done and patient was satisfied with the end result.  Irrespective of the age of the patient... the front teeth is something that everyone values and places a premium on... getting a good result is paramount.

Anterior Esthetic Case in Young Male

This is a case of a crown or traditional "cap" on one tooth and a veneer or "facing" on the very next tooth. The difference in the two preparations is evident. One is aggressive and requires cutting / destroying the complete tooth. The other is minimally invasive. We can conserve a lot more of the natural tooth structure. It is a challnge to get the shade / colour / etc to match perfectly. Especially when the patient is young and looking to get married. (this Pt was meeting prospective matches during treatment stages!) A decent job is when you can see the end result and the patient is satisfied and happy. Job Done!


When an 80year old lady smiles and laughs with sheer delight when you get done, you know you have done something right. And Oh! We also avoided a Root Canal.

When a quack fixes your teeth!

Many a times a quick fix is only quick. And instead of fixing things - simply spoils them or puts them at danger of worse complications in future. The following patient presented with a very poor prognosis of remaining teeth and a low budget. We tried our best to give her back a functional dentition. Eating and speech improvements follow along with better health. One that allows the patient to also smile and not be socially concious!

Fractured Front Tooth

Slides are self-explanatory. Satisfying when within three appointments you can deliver to the patient the smile he has been missing and as a young bloke - very concious and troubled by the chip! First Appt: consult 10 mins, to arrive at a diagnosis. Options and costs discussion 10 more mins! Second Appt: 5 mins for records and lab reference Third Appt: 45 mins to fill and finish and polish. Voila!  say CHEESE!

Biomimetic Dentistry

A routine procedure in our practice is to fabricate eMax Onlays. A good alternative to ceramic crowns or the usual PFM or metal-ceramic caps that are the usual options.  They look great and patient acceptance is high.

Front Tooth Filling

Often the most challenging cases can be those patients that walk in with a broken or chipped front tooth. Often this can be because an older filling broke or came off. These are not easy to fix since the demand and expectation of the patient is usually high. And more often than not it is fixing old dentistry that can be a task. 

Root Canal Fillings

We aim to be consistent in our work and deliver satisfactory outcomes to patients at all times. Dentistry like any other medical specialty is performed under varying circumstances every time. Patients factors, tooth factors, Microbial environment, operator and equipment variables, etc are some of the many changes that come in to play. We try to optimize our protocols so that the end result looks close to perfect! These are some post operative intra-oral radiographs (IOPA's) that show satisfactory images at the end of root canal treatment. One indicator that treatment was successful even though this is merely a 2-Dimensional view of a complicated 3-D anatomy. Upper Molar all 3 roots filled to apex Lower premolar with a large infection and pus draining via sinus Upper second molar with decay at the back of the tooth, Difficult access and vision challenges!

Trauma and Root Canal. Cosmetic Buildup

Pt is a young male. Came in with fracture to the upper front tooth after a vehicle accident. Pt had a large swelling and pain with fever and chills.  After a smooth pain free root canal Pt was given options for replacement. This included doing a ceramic crown/veneer and simply building up the tooth in composite. This being the cheapest and fastest option is what was chosen for now. Satisfactory end result with a infection free and cosmetically pleasing outcome.


Normally one does not expect a child's teeth to be so badly decayed so as to need a root canal. BUT it does happen. And more often than not the most common misconception among the layperson is that since it a milk tooth it is O.K for it to be removed / rot since it will fall and a new one will come in place of the baby one. Nothing is farther from the truth. The fact that a tooth has decayed to such an extent is a good indicator that overall oral hygiene is not so good. Also this means that the permanent (ADULT) teeth that are coming in to the mouth one by one after the age of 6 are at a higher risk of catching the bugs already present in a high number in the mouth.  So, instead of ignoring signs and symptoms of pain in your children when they complain of toothache, rush them to a dentist to get a complete check up. Get fillings or root canal done as required. Remember that when done well a root canal treated tooth will offer many more years of life and is more often than...