
Showing posts from January, 2017


Normally one does not expect a child's teeth to be so badly decayed so as to need a root canal. BUT it does happen. And more often than not the most common misconception among the layperson is that since it a milk tooth it is O.K for it to be removed / rot since it will fall and a new one will come in place of the baby one. Nothing is farther from the truth. The fact that a tooth has decayed to such an extent is a good indicator that overall oral hygiene is not so good. Also this means that the permanent (ADULT) teeth that are coming in to the mouth one by one after the age of 6 are at a higher risk of catching the bugs already present in a high number in the mouth.  So, instead of ignoring signs and symptoms of pain in your children when they complain of toothache, rush them to a dentist to get a complete check up. Get fillings or root canal done as required. Remember that when done well a root canal treated tooth will offer many more years of life and is more often than...