
Showing posts from 2018

Implants for Removable Teeth

We noticed that last time we had put up a post with the title Implants for "Fixed" teeth. Many a times due to age / health / money / bone / tissue / other factors even though a patient may want or require fixed teeth this option is not feasible. A removable prosthesis ( denture ) works just fine if made well and with adequate support and retention. So combine the OLD with the NEW! get the best of both worlds... for a fraction of the cost too!  

Implants for Fixed Teeth

An interesting case where we were able to replace most of the missing back teeth for our patient. She had lost her teeth over time and perhaps never had the chance to do something about it. She wanted to actively solve the problem once and for all... and boy! did she hug me after having her chicken toast sandwich or what! It had been years since she was able to chew satisfactorily. That just makes one feel great!

Implant Supported Dentures

It does not matter how old you are. If you desire to get a well fitting denture that you can chew with it needs to be  A} Well made with adequate and correct measuements B} If you have a compromised condition then implants help in holding it firmly in place Any treatment - needs to be planned judiciously and keeping many factors in mind. If you are a good candidate... there is no reason why a satisfactory solution cannot be customized to suit your needs!

Cosmetic Dentist

"Are you a cosmetic dentist?" "This doctor we know is in to smile designing and..." "do you also do aesthetic dentistry?"are familiar lines heard by us when conversing with lay people. Well - FYI - almost everything we do is aesthetic and cosmetic... dentistry by nature demands it and so do more and more patients.   Sharing a case done a few years ago... we may have posted it earlier - but this is a fresh look with some new pictures.