Just some of the many ways that a root canal treated tooth can be fixed. All ceramic tops. Not like crowns at all. A patient once remarked... "oh! its like a tiara!" Quite right.
Nothing is more challenging than fixing or repairing a front tooth. In this case the patient had broken an upper front tooth that needed to be fixed. No root canal was required. Neither was a crown / cap done. Just a simple composite tooth colored filling and getting it right! Now THAT was the CHALLENGE
l When a patient looses all teeth the option is to wear a denture. IF implants are possible then we can join them to get fixed false teeth in the upper jaw. A sample case so that you can get a visual idea.
What is a smile designing? Smile makeover? What serves as Cosmetic Dentistry? If we can provide the patient with better looking teeth does that serve the purpose? Sharing a case of functional restorations for a patient. We were able to get the front teeth looking a loot better by the time we finished. Along with this we have also repaired and restored broken back teeth and hopefully ensured that the patient will be able to chew better!
Patient feedback via email. Great feeling to have something like this in your inbox Shared with permission QUOTE "So kind of you to ask about dad, of course he is doing well and in good spirits, it goes without saying your magical professional touch has brought joy and health to dad." END QUOTE
People often think that braces - wires - orthodontic treatment is for kids only. Here we have a case of a young lady, home maker and mother who had treatment done many years ago. Yet there were some issues that needed to be addressed and corrected. Treatment was done over a span of two years and things brought back on track to align all the teeth beautifully and correct some structural issues at the same time. We were able to restore worn down teeth and provide a functional bite... cosmetic or aesthetic correction added to the smile design in this case.