Root Canal Treatment. Can it be pain free? YES!

What happens when you have a cavity?
When tooth decay is limited there is NO PAIN.
All decay starts on the enamel. Sealants can be applied to reduce the acid attack on the teeth. If detected early, these can be very well managed by removing the decayed portion and filling it with tooth-colored composite resin restorations.
Remember that even at a relatively late stage, when the tooth is broken / decayed badly it can built back to its original form.
Glass Ionomer Cement: This is used for small restorations, especially in primary (milk) teeth in children, mostly for economic reasons. Composites: Composite resins attach themselves to the tooth by a chemical reaction. The biggest advantage is that they can be made to ‘match’ the tooth with the appropriate shade.
Dental Pain occurs when the complex supply of blood vessels and nerves (the Pulp) is affected by bacteria as they burrow into the tooth layers (Enamel and Dentin) along with their noxious by-products and acid. The deeper the decay enters, higher the chances of infection and increasing intensity of pain.
What happens when you have a root canal?
Severe excruciating PAIN when decay reaches the pulp is usually with a set of aggravating factors either hot and / or cold. Root canal therapy is required to save the tooth.
Root Canal: In root canal treatment, basically the tooth is treated for the infection and all the diseased tissue of the tooth is removed and filled. With good treatment the pain should disappear in a few days.
Remember that root canals can be done in “single-sittings” and when done with adequate local anesthesia (injection) they are pretty much pain free!

Usually a “cap” is required on the tooth. Ceramics: Crowns or caps are being made of ceramic material more often; gradually it is becoming the most preferred option since this looks and feels very natural.


  1. I read this post before I had root canal treatment done and I was freaking out because it looks painful. but not to worry guys, It doesn't hurt.

  2. Professional dental hygienist can help remove hard deposits on your teeth that daily brushing cannot remove


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