Root Canal Treatment

Have you ever wondered about root canals and what exactly a root canal treatment is?
Do you fear getting a root canal done? Would you say that the prospect of an RCT "root canal treatment" scares you?  You needn't feel bad... a LOT of people feel the same way. Many a times, most people are apprehensive since they are under the impression that this procedure is A} painful B} takes many sittings 

Well, in root canal treatment, the tooth is treated for infection and all the diseased tissue of the tooth is removed and filled. With good treatment the pain should disappear in a few days.
Remember that root canals can be done in “single-sittings” and when done with adequate local anesthesia (injection) they are pretty much pain free!

Amazing isn't it?

And at the end we would expect a beautiful result like some of the following examples.


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