
Showing posts from 2016

Gap in Front Teeth

Often a gap can be because of incorrect position of the tooth or due to a break. The break may have been caused either due to decay or trauma (accident, hit to the face, etc) In most cases a simple straightforward filling can help achieve the desired result with minimal other treatment.

Root Hemisection

This is not a procedure performed routinely or as a treatment of choice. The molars which are large teeth and integral to chewing are often the ones that undergo decay. Often in order to save them a root canal is done if the decay has reached the nerve. Or an implant would be done after the tooth has been extracted / removed. A root hemisection is a procedure that treads the middle path. In this case we removed the broken and badly decayed half. The rest of the tooth was root canal treated and crowned.  A big plus is the ability to maintain the bone level of the patient. Provide decent function and since the patient has a cardiac history - a very noninvasive treatment option without a long drawn / expensive treatment.

Gum Surgery

A simple fix to the gingival contour (shape of the gums) can be a HUGE improvement in the way a person looks overall! Simply removing a little bit over the adjacent teeth allowed for the front two teeth (central incisors) to look equal in shape and size. Symmetry is BEAUTY!

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Often a full mouth treatment means that all teeth are treated. But this need not be the case. A judicious diagnosis and treatment plan may also mean that we end up working only on the teeth that are "affected" or if treated will "improve" overall function and/or esthetics. In this particular case only the front teeth were treated completely and the upper back teeth replaced in order to give a good bite and improve the visual appearance for the patient completely!


Smile correction? Makeover? Full Mouth Rehabilitation fulfills all of these needs by default. Often the patient may be looking only for the front teeth to be "fixed" or we may suggest functional repair. The diagnosis and treatment process is lengthy but well worth it! Often the improvement in the patient's looks is a by - product of making all the teeth optimally functional. 

Repairing fractured broken teeth

Often it is not too easy to repair fractured or broken teeth. In this case the trauma had resulted in the nerve of the tooth getting exposed completely. Root canal was performed and tooth restored back to function. 

Tooth in an Hour

We had a young patient report to the clinic with an emergency! She had fallen off her vehicle and broken her front tooth. She was lucky to have found and kept the broken fragment. We completed her root canal and after cleaning the broken piece - simply fixed it back on to her original remaining bit. The procedure was completed in a single visit!  It would seem that the possibilities with modern dentistry are endless!

Class V lesions

Have you ever noticed wear facets on your teeth? Do you suffer from tooth sensitivity to cold or sweet? These could be due to acidity or toothbrush trauma. The chemical present in stomach juices can literally melt away your tooth surface due to uncontrolled reflux. For most people it is the faulty brushing technique and using hard bristled brushes that creates a problem. The physical repeated wear causes wedge shaped defects on the outer surface of teeth. A by product is the recession of the gums as they settle away from area of trauma. You would also loose bone support to some extent. Below are images of many such cavities and the repair that can be done with aesthetic tooth colored filling material to repair these defects.  

Smile Design

Often we get patients who would want some amount of correction done to their smiles. Who doesn't want a perfect set to show off to the world? There can be numerous options to correct the existing situation which range from simple non-invasive composite direct build-ups to ceramic based materials. The best option is selected in consultation with the patient to suit their budget and end result desire. This case was an in-chair one appointment correction with composite filling material. 

Aesthetic Dentistry

Sometimes even a small little addition to the front teeth can make a huge difference. Here, a young lady presented with minor chipping of the mesial and distal angles of the central incisor. All we had to do was to shape it to match the adjacent tooth. There was also minor ditching of the facial aspect with roughening and yellowish discoloration. This too was filled in to enable a smoother surface.  

Space Maintainer

Most parents believe that the baby / milk teeth are not important and it is ok to loose them. This is NOT TRUE. Each tooth has a purpose and needs to stay in the mouth. Sometimes there is decay that extends all the way to the root and cannot be salvaged. No root canal. No filling. We would extract but will fabricate a space maintainer. To hold the space till the permanent tooth comes in to that place. Rightfully reserved!

Dental Implants

Often a tooth is lost due to decay. In this case what seemed like a small cavity on the side of the teeth was actually burrowing all across the back. A conservative approach was adopted but the tooth needed a Root Canal anyway. Months later the tooth fractured since it was not restored with a crown (or onlay which we prefer in our practice) Many patients often neglect this aspect once the pain has disappeared. The crown should be placed as soon as possible to avoid these kind of fractures. In our case the patient traveled abroad and we too waited a bit longer to ensure symptoms had subsided. In any case... it seems to have turned out OK with a functional tooth replaced.

SAF endodontics Self Adjusting File Root Canal

There is a revolutionary new technology to treat root canals called the SAF or Self Adjusting File which is very conservative of the internal anatomy and structure of the tooth. We are proud to be one of the very few clinics in the country that provide this treatment. Come and experience the SAF'est root canal technique employing effective modern technology!

Root Canal Treatment

Have you ever wondered about root canals and what exactly a root canal treatment is? Do you fear getting a root canal done? Would you say that the prospect of an RCT "root canal treatment" scares you?  You needn't feel bad... a LOT of people feel the same way. Many a times, most people are apprehensive since they are under the impression that this procedure is A} painful B} takes many sittings  Well, in root canal treatment, the tooth is treated for infection and all the diseased tissue of the tooth is removed and filled. With good treatment the pain should disappear in a few days. Remember that root canals can be done in “ single-sittings ” and when done with adequate local anesthesia (injection) they are pretty much pain free ! Amazing isn't it? And at the end we would expect a beautiful result like some of the following examples.

Dental Decay

DENTAL DECAY AND BLEEDING GUMS Tooth Decay is one of the most common diseases affecting the oral cavity. Dental caries is a highly prevalent condition, especially among children. In most cases, improper hygiene leads to food deposition on the tooth. This in turn is acted upon by harmful bacteria thus releasing acid that dissolves the tooth structure. In most cases, the decay starts on the outside of the tooth and gradually reaches the inner layers. Gum Disease and Bad Breath. One would think that if you are decay-free you have a healthy mouth. However, overall oral health requires healthy gums as well. They cover the teeth and provide anchoring support to the jawbones. Minor infection ( gingivitis ) can progress to a severe condition ( periodontitis ) which causes teeth to shake and even fall out!I It is one of the main causes of bad breath or halitosis too. Swelling of the gums gradually leading to spontaneous bleeding is the first sign of trouble. This can be managed

Implant Supported Denture

Dr Darshan Parikh Also known as an OVD or "Over Denture" this is increasingly becoming the standard of care for edentulous patients the world over. If someone has no teeth left and is looking forward to having some measure of comfort while eating, this would be the best option. A minimum of two implants and more depending on bone availability (here we managed three fixtures) means the denture can clip on to the support / struts provided and this helps the denture become a lot more stable.  The other huge advantage is that as the patient eats, forces are transferred to the jaw bone and this makes a world of a difference as far as patient comfort is concerned. Of course, if you have the bone density and material available more implants could even mean a fully fixed lower bridge!  


Final views pre operative views Often teeth need to be fixed simply for aesthetic reasons. You want to look better than you do. Since the face and more importantly your SMILE is the gateway to how people perceive you, you definitely want a million dollar smile. For this particular patient, the gap in between the upper front teeth was reason enough to seek a solution. Ortho - wire / braces correction was considered, but as an adult between jobs, time was a factor to be weighed as important to warrant a quicker solution.  To ensure we would not err by doing something too drastic, a mock or temporary veneer was fit on to the front teeth for a few days. The patient was able to get feedback from friends and family and also decide if this was the correct 'look' desired. Then and ONLY then did we touch the teeth to get the gap closed, smile beautified and confidence raised sky high!

EMax Onlay

Usually after root canal treatment, we recommend that you have a crown fitted on the tooth in order to protect it from breaking / fracturing under biting load. Most options range from the simple all metal to the metal-ceramic to all ceramic caps. In the recent past there has been a gradual shift in patient preference towards all ceramic crowns. Often sold as "tough" and "unbreakable" ZIRCONIA, we are of the opinion that these crowns need to be fitted on a case to case basis. Instead what we offer and recommend routinely in our practice are (feldspathic glass) occlusal veneers or ONLAYS a.k.a EMax Lithium Disilicate. They look beautiful and allow for less natural tooth structure destruction. We end up preserving a lot more tooth than what we would if we cut / prep for a full crown. After the Root Canal Core fillings with fluorocore eMax 

Dental Implant

A missing molar generally means loss of chewing efficiency and increased chances of the bite getting affected. A simple solution earlier was to get a partial denture or "flipper" made. This gave way to a "fixed bridge" or a 3-unit FPD a.k.a fixed partial. This though a viable treatment usually calls for cutting adjacent healthy teeth. And a higher probability they will turn sensitive or decay over time. The simplest treatment today is to replace that with a single endosseous titanium fixture and a PFM "ceramic" crown over it.

Trauma! A case of a fractured / broken front tooth!

A case of a traumatic fracture. Small child with a broken front tooth. Luckily without pain or infection.So simple dressing done initially with a cement filling and then two weeks later built up with tooth colored filling. No root canal. No injections! No pain. All gain! Dr Darshan Parikh

More Composite Filling Examples

Whether a cavity lies between two front teeth or two back teeth, it is always a challenge to get the form right. Shaping the Cavity adequately and merging it to existing tooth structure is a tough task and takes some amount of practice to get perfect. Matching the shade and blending it to look perfect is an altogether different challenge. A challenge that we relish and try to achieve with satisfactory results! 

Speaking of Margins

When a tooth has been prepared to receive a crown we would expect the margins to be precise and clear. This allows for a good impression (mould) to be made and this in turn helps the lab fabricate a good fit for the crown that rests on the tooth alone, this ensures good gum health for years to come. The purple looking string is a gingival retraction cord that pushes the gum away temporarily so the impression material may flow perfectly in the marginal areas.